Democrats trying to figure out HOW the 2024 Election outcome happened must resist the temptation to point fingers and say "I told you so."
There is a difference between identifying causes and assigning blame, and that distinction must be maintained. Recriminations won't help anyone and will only fracture the party more than it already is.
Yes, Nancy Pelosi, I'm talking to you . . . but to others as well.
Though we have differing views on how the timing affected the outcome, we must continue to hold President Biden in esteem for his years of service to our country and his remarkably selfless act of stepping down to let someone else run. Which one of us in his position could/would have done this?
And, we must continue to respect and thank VP Harris for having the courage to step into the fray on such short notice and devote herself entirely to the challenge of standing toe-to-toe with one like her opponent. The failings that led to her defeat belong more to the current state of the Democratic Party than to her.
The bottom line is that sexism, racism, and xenophobia were the victors in this election. Those of us who thought we Americans could set aside such puerile biases and choose a leader based on character, temperament, and judgment thought wrong.
If we MUST point a finger, then let us admit that our willful naivete regarding our collective national character is to blame. Many of us have said, "I thought we were better than this." We aren't.
Now, as we start trying to figure out what to do next, let us at least reclaim a realistic assessment of ourselves: we are a flawed country, inhabited by flawed people and led by flawed leaders. But we have also demonstrated at times in the past that we are capable of transcending those flaws. Hopefully, we can do so again.